A new interface, new objectives, changes to make the leaderboards more competitive and incent big guilds to take on big guilds and little guilds to take on little guilds, all highlight what you can expect in the Conquest revamp.
Unfortunately, Eric didn’t have any screenshots of the UI changes so we don’t know what things will look like. That said, the Activities Window was changed in Game Update 5.6, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the direction they’re headed with Conquest. Based on Eric’s description it sounds like it will be easier to navigate and keep track of where things stand on both an individual and guild basis.
My favorite change in all of this has to be the Stronghold bonus. Yes, we will still get the 150% bonus, but it will now be based on the number of strongholds that we own and not the number of hooks that we fill. As Eric later explained, “six empty Strongholds does mean 150% bonus, yes.”
The invasion bonus for attacking specific planets is gone, however, there are still incentives for guilds to want to conquer certain planets each week.
Separating the guild rewards from the leaderboards is a fantastic change. This means that any guild participating in Conquest can earn these rewards as long as they meet a planet’s Conquest point threshold. For example, let’s say a planet requires a minimum of 100 Conquest points to earn the rewards for that week. The top ten guilds all achieve 500 points for that week. Guild eleven only gets 100 points and is off the leaderboard. Guild eleven will still get the Guild rewards because they met the planet’s minimum point threshold for that week.
Not only that but some planets will grant more rewards than others. The planets that yield higher rewards will require more points to get. The idea here is that the big guilds will chase the big rewards, while the smaller guilds will chase the smaller rewards. This won’t happen every week as the guild that tops the leaderboard still gets the title and planetary bonuses. Expect big guilds to attempt to secure these for their new members from time-to-time. Overall though, bigger guilds will likely go after the larger rewards.
Conquest needed an overhaul and it’s getting just that. Better rewards, more parity on the leaderboards, and incentives for all players and all guilds to participate make for a nice set of changes. The only casualties are the millions of chairs that will soon litter planetary orbits as garbage scows across the galaxy dump this unwanted scrap into the cold dead of space.
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