I don’t hate the armor, but there’s nothing that has me saying, with armor like this, why do we even have the outfit designer? I don’t see a single outfit that I want to wear outright. I do like the chest pieces for the Knight and Consular. I might dye those and see if I can fit them into a mix and match outfit. I’ll have to wait and see once I acquire the gear and see what it looks like in-game.
I like the Imperial gear a lot less than I do the Pub stuff. The exception here is the Bounty Hunter armor. I’ll have to see the full set in-game, but I like everything but the helmet. This is the one set that I can see myself using from time-to-time, but for the most part, I’ll be sticking with my existing outfits on all of my characters.
All those white capes on the Pub armour look weird…
For some reason, the ones for the Jedi Knight and Consular just work for me. I like the Knight’s. I don’t know if any of those will make be ditch my current outfits. I’ll find out soon enough.