If you complete the Iokath storyline while you have an active repeatable chapter from Knights of the Fallen Empire or Knights of the Eternal Throne, you will not receive Quinn or Elara. See Eric’s full post below.
I’ve only run the story on my main toon who had completed both Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne so I didn’t have this issue. Given that completion of those stories, while recommended, is not mandatory for Iokath I can see how many players could find themselves in this unfortunate situation.
Obviously, a fix is incoming, but if you’re going to take a toon to Iokath make sure you don’t have an active chapter from Fallen Empire or Eternal Throne.
It should be noted that there are a couple of legitimate ways where you might not end up with Quinn or Elara as companions. For information on that please go to Eric Musco’s full post and reveal the spoiler information.
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