KOTET’S Second Act

Soon. Soon I’ll be home from vacation where I will immerse myself in Knights of the Eternal Throne. While I don’t mind the delayed gratification of waiting to see what happens in the story, the internet gymnastics required to avoid spoilers is a bit trying. So far so good, but the ability to surf freely drives my desire to play the story as much as anything else right now.

For many of you, the journey that began more than a year ago with Knights of the Fallen Empire is now over. The mysteries of the Eternal Fleet and the Gravestone, Valkorion’s ultimate plans for us, and the fate of the Eternal Throne are all known.

Now that the dust is settled you’re moving into this expansion’s second act and beginning the grind that is Galactic Command. I do mean grind by the way. Check out this guide on the Galactic Command System posted by Dulfy. You need 1.23 million CXP to get to rank 300. Once you do that, you’ll need to continue to earn CXP for crates until you get everything you need. You don’t need to be at max rank to get the best gear, you just need to hit that tier, but Galactic Command is anything but a short ride.

When you factor in that the only completely new activities to support Galactic Command are KotET’s story chapters, Uprisings, and Dark vs. Light, it’s a lot of doing the same things that we’ve been doing for the last five years.

Other than higher difficulty modes for chapters and Uprisings, no plans have been revealed regarding what comes next. Players have expressed a strong desire for new group content and BioWare seems receptive to that. It’s the what and when that remain unknown.

I’ll maintain my wait and see attitude for Galactic Command, but like you, once I finish the story I will cross the threshold where things are not entirely new and the clock of decay is now ticking.

I won’t lie, if I see a bar in my UI that needs filling, I tend to pursue that carrot on a stick like it’s my last meal, but with Galactic Command I fear I may not have the stamina to reach that prize.

Readers Comments (2)

  1. Just wanted to say, I really enjoy your podcasts. Keep them coming (after your vacation of course). I took a long break from the game (about a year and a half, was still subbed, but just didn’t play), and have been using your podcast (as well as Ootinicast, Escape Pod, Bad Feeling, Corellian Run, and Passionately Casual) to catch up on changes and stay up to date. Think it helps that I have a 2 hour round trip commute to work. I have plenty of time to listen to all of you guys.

    Also, What do you think of Bioware zeroing out the DvL achievements rather than creating new ones for the next time they run the event?

    • Hi, thanks for the kind words and thanks for listening. Regarding the zeroing out of DvL achievements, I think that’s a bad idea. The whole point of achievements is to create a record of your accomplishments. I enjoy being able to go back and see all the things I’ve done. So I don’t like that they got removed like that.

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